The Henry Family

Friday, December 7, 2012

May & June 2012 (before baby)

After recovering from dance recital, we settled in and planned to enjoy our summer before the baby was due to be delivered on June 26.
The kids and I slept in, played, went on outings, and kept busy!  Madeline got her post-recital bob haircut and it looked so cute!
 Will had his Kindergarten physical and did a great job!  He was given a clean bill of health and was officially ready for Kindergarten in the fall.
 Nathan had to work into the summer and then had to go on several technology training trips, so the kids and I were on our own a lot.  The kids went to a great Vacation Bible school, Will started summer P.T., O.T,, and Speech Therapy at Hope Landing, and Madeline started piano lessons.  I still can't believe I managed to do all of that as miserably pregnant as I was!  I was so swollen and my blood pressure kept creeping up on me.  Check out those swollen feet.  It was so hot in our town that June!!!

Between trips, Nathan spent lots of quality time with us, enjoying our last few weeks as a family of 4:)  Here are Nathan, Madeline, and Molly cuddling up on our Family Movie Night.  I believe we were watching, "We Bought a Zoo."

 Nathan's last trip was scheduled for June 18-22.  He had to go to Michigan and we were all worried I would go into labor before he got back!  Luckily, my mom came to stay with me after we picked her up in Little Rock.  We went because my sweet new niece, Lucy Jane Pesek, was born on June 13!  I was so glad I was able to go see her before our baby was born and Will and Madeline had fun practicing holding a baby.  She is just so sweet with such a great head of hair!

During that last week, my mom was such a big help with the kids and getting the house all clean and ready for the new baby!
We took Will to his final T-ball game of the season, but they only got to play for about 15 minutes before it started pouring!  So, he got his trophy and we celebrated with dinner at Arby's (Will's choice).

Madeline participated in our Art Center's Drama Camp each day that week.  On Friday, June 22, mom, Will and I went to watch them perform.  It was a cute western play and the kids all did a great job and had a lot of fun!

We were all worn out and excited that Nathan would be home around midnight that night.  The kids couldn't wait to wake up in the morning to greet him. . . . .to be continued!

1 comment:

Mike and Katie said...

Oh come on!!! You need to start with introducing your new baby! Don't leave us hanging! :)