The Henry Family

Thursday, May 14, 2009

My Growing Guy

My last post was all about Madeline, so I thought I'd give a good update on Will. He is now 22 months old. Let me tell you, it has flown by for me. I feel like he was this little guy just yesterday with almost no hair and still looking small in his highchair (this is him at about 8 months old).
Now, he has always been a big guy, coming into this world 2 weeks early at 9lbs 5oz! But, all of a sudden, my sweet baby boy is turning into a very cute but grown-up looking little boy. He is in the 75-95 percentile in height and weight! Here he is in his cute Easter sweater vest. When you see him next to Maddie, it looks like he will be the same height in no time, even with the 3 year age difference. He already weighs as much, even on his ultra-healthy food allergy diet. He has still not had to have a haircut but there is a cute cluster of curls at the back of his head. Nathan says we have to be careful not to let them turn into a mullet. We may live in South Arkansas but no mullets are allowed in this family!
I think he still looks a lot like Nathan, but people do tell me he looks like me from time to time. He does have my darker complexion and my brown eyes, which is nice considering Madeline is a mini, female version of Nathan.

Please excuse the stained bib. Most of you already know I have issues with the slobber. I just can't stand for him to wear a soaked shirt but refuse to buy new bibs because I just keep thinking it has got to stop sometime soon. He's almost 2! I did find some measure of comfort in my trusty Parenting magazine who said it is still normal at this age. Whew! Now I'll just have to find something else to worry about.
Speaking of worrying about Will, we are having to do less and less of it. He was a very late walker, but is starting to run around and climb a lot. My P.T. friends should be pleased with all of that gross-motor progress. He is also talking a lot more, something that was becoming a concern about 6 months ago. He says a lot of words, repeats almost anything, and is starting to use a few short sentences. His favorites are: "I go outside" and "I sing ABC". He does love to play outside but we now have a big poison ivy problem in the backyard, so it is a little harder to do. If anyone has a full-proven way to get rid of it safely, please speak up!
He is much more shy than Maddie ever thought about being but warms up to most people pretty quickly.
He loves being in the toddler class at his school after being in the baby room for so long.
Lately, I just love watching him play and interact with Madeline. It makes me so glad that they have each other!
We also had good/bad news in the food allergy department. At his latest check-up, he still tested positive for milk and eggs and has now added peanuts on the skin scratch test. But, his blood work all came up negative!!! That means that he is eligible for a food trial. We will start with milk, when we can get an appointment. The trial has to be done at the hospital, just in case. Please pray that the milk trial works. It is so hard to find foods with absolutely no dairy in them at all, especially in this more rural area. It would open up a whole new world of food for him as well. I'll update when the food trial happens!

1 comment:

Susan said...

Don't burn the poison ivy. Ive heard if you're allergic and inhale the fumes, its bad news. Good talking to you earlier! Will is big! Can't wait to see him and madie in person. Setler and I will come visit this summer. July?