The Henry Family

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Spring means it's T-ball time!

This month, Will started playing T-ball for the first time.  He has never played a team sport and we were excited to see how things went. 
He is on the Red Sox with quite a few familiar faces from his preschool class.  There are 17 kids on his team and they put them all on the field at one time, which has lead to some chaos!  I'm not sure he has learned a whole lot about the fielding process, but he has picked up a few basics like kicking up a little grass:)
 There is not much that is cuter than a little boy with dirty knees in a baseball uniform!
 When you ask Will what his favorite part of T-ball is, he always says it is wearing the helmet and hitting the ball.  His batting coach was trying to fix that helmet here.
 I would say it is just a little too small for him!  He has that big head that runs in the Pesek Family:)
 I love how intense he looks here!  He ended up hitting the ball pretty well.  We were a little worried about how well he would be able to do because he does still have some definite low muscle tone in his arms, but you would never know!  He may not hit it as far as some, but he does really well.
 He made it to first base!  I love how he has to stand right on top of the base and how his shirt is only half tucked in:)
Overall, it has been a good experience for him.  He is a good team player and always seems to really enjoy himself, even when it is hot and chaotic in the outfield:)  I am proud of how well he has done and think we will have him play again next year if he is still interested.

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