In honor of the day, I made a delicious Cinnamon loaf with lots of yummy icing on top.
Now, poor Will cannot eat this, so he had one of his favorites, oatmeal! He really does like this a lot and Mommy knows just how to sweeten it for her boy!
Here he is between bites. He's going without a bib most of the time but he can be really messy with oatmeal and it's kind of hard to wipe off his shirt, so he is wearing one here.
Will couldn't wait to get into his, but as soon as he saw me getting ready to take a picture, he had to stop to say, "cheese!".
He is very into all things "Thomas" and got Harold the Helicopter and Toby the Tram. He also got a new Thomas DVD. He has been playing with them all day!
Nathan got Maddie and chihuahua Web Kinz (spelling?) She named it Lilly.
Later, they got online and Nathan set her up. She loved all of the interactive things they could do with her dog and had to take Lilly with her to church, of course!